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Toz Antonio Piretti by Pietro Ballardini


NOTES  2 0 1 3

31 December 2013

the first idea of ART TAKES ACTION.. 
after a good run and during a cozy dinner.. with the fireworks sound as a background..

23 December 2013
a day to remember.. right May..?

25 November 2013
another thank you to Musical News & Federico Bergonzoni for this interview:
Antonio Piretti, in anteprima le canzoni del nuovo album

13 August 2013
Berlin.. is so beautiful in May.. ;-)


10 August 2013
Berlin... Copenhagen.. Prague...
3 capitals.. 3 new places.. 3 new adventures..
to meet Peter Jones..
My European tour is starting right now... 2 weeks long..

July 2013
Italy... back again..
recording the new album.. "In 10 Years".. studio time...

24 May 2013

thanks to Musical News & Sarah Viola for this kind inteview:
Dal Canada il cantautore busker bolognese Antonio Piretti in arte Toz 270 concerti fatti

7 April 2013
è finito un incubo.. ora inizia un nuovo capitolo..
a new chapter.. the nightmare is over now..

14 February 13
and what about singing drunk..
and picking up rimes and words.. 
just to fill up the spaces..
asking u what r u doing there..
and suddenly your mind flies down again, surprising yourself  thinking.. 
dam..! which should be the next chord now..???  ...ops...
no worry.. just a long night..


8 February 13
..Toronto.. - 8..  ops...


31 January 13
..l'attimo appartine alla persona con la quale l'abbiamo condiviso..
..the moment belongs to the person whom we lived it with..

18 January 13
lo sapevi che..
come si fa a capire se è troppo freddo per suonare in una stazione della metropolitana di Toronto..?
semplice.. se vedi il tuo fiato quando canti.. è troppo freddo.. reggeresti solo 25 minuti.. poi non riusciresti + a muovere correttamente le dita della mano sinistra (non riesci + a fare gli accordi..).
hai quindi.. due possibilità.. cerchi una stazione (libera) + calda.. o impari a "ballare" o "muoverti bene a ritmo".. così mantieni caldo il tuo corpo.. 
ora immaginatelo per 5,5 ore..  forse è per questo che ero dimagrito..?


did you know that....?
how can you understand if it's too cold to play in a subway station in Toronto ..?
simple.. if you can see your breath when you sing.. it means that it's quite cold.. and you'll be able to play just for around 25 minutes.. and then it would be difficult to move your left hand fingers..
so then you have 2 options.. you can look for another free warmer station.. or you learn how to dance when you play.. to keep your body warm.. 
now imagine that for an average of 5,5 hours almost everyday..  ops..  was probably for that that I became skinnier..?


02 January 13
2013... WELCOME...!!!


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